Plug & Play, A Seamless Experience to do Robotics on Unity3D

Expend your Game to Robots

  • A Unity3D Plugin for seamless integration and usability of Robotis Servomotors from within Unity3D

  • Offically in Cooperation with ROBTIS JAPAN!

  • Basic Dynamixel SDK control capabilities + Additional powerful functions for advanced and fine servomotor controls!

  • Supporting all Robotis Servomotors line up (Protocol 2.0)

  • Windows Support (x84,x64)


Version 1.0.1

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Introducing the Dynamixel Servo Motor Control Plugin for Unity "DynamixelForUnity" - the ultimate Unity3D asset for developers, hobbyists, and educators who want to harness the power of Dynamixel servo motors in their Unity projects. Our plugin offers a seamless integration between the popular Unity game development platform and the world-renowned Dynamixel servo motors, allowing you to control and monitor your servo motors with ease and precision. With our plugin, you can build advanced robotics and automation projects, simulations, training programs, and more.

DynamixelForUnity is easy to use, even for beginners, and comes with comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and examples. Whether you are a seasoned developer or a student just starting out, our plugin offers the functionality and flexibility you need to take your projects to the next level.


DynamixelForUnity is a plugin for the game development engine “Unity”, which allows for easy integration and usage of Dynamixel servo motors without the need for complex setup. With just one click, you can quickly set up a development environment to utilize Dynamixel servo motors. The plugin comes with a manual and pre-implemented demo scenes, making it accessible even for beginners.

In addition, DynamixelForUnity provides advanced functionality, not only including the original DynamixelSDK but also allowing seamless integration with Unity's Monobehavior. By adding it to GameObjects, you can easily develop GUI interfaces, real-time control, error handling, automatic detection, and more using Unity Engine.

Some of the key features of our API include:

  • Seamless integration with the original SDK scripts

  • Streamlined processes, automating packet number management and error handling

  • Simultaneous control and monitoring of multiple servo motors.

  • Compatible processing, even with different motor model control tables as long as they share the same data names.

Supported Unity3D Versions Unity3D 2020~
Supported Robotis Dynamixel Models MX, XL, XC, XM, XH, XW, RX, P Series (Protocol 2.0)
Supported OS Windows 10,11 (X86,X64)
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